2018 Events - Celebrating 10 Years of TANC
2018 marked the 10th anniversary of TANC events. As ever, we had a fantastic line up of events to celebrate this (see details below).
There was also a TANC feature story published in the March 2018 edition of the Actuary magazine.
From Generalised Linear Models to Intelligent Voice & AI … and Building 3 Businesses in Between!
Presented by Mike Brockman, ThingCo
15th November 2018
With close to 4 decades of experience in the motor insurance sector, Mike Brockman is truly one of the world’s experts in motor insurance.
In this talk, Mike described the early actuarial challenges to motor insurance pricing and the development of Generalised Linear Models as a pricing tool. Having spent several years as a Pricing Actuary, Mike co-founded EMB in 1993, an actuarial consultancy that grew to having 11 offices around the world with more than 300 staff. Mike was instrumental in developing new pricing techniques and their applications to risk and demand modelling within the actuarial profession world-wide.
He then went on to talk about telematics and why he created insurethebox, the world’s first telematics-only motor insurer, selling more than 800,000 black box policies during this time, and writing more than $1bn Gross Written Premium.
Having sold insurethebox to the MS&AD Group, Mike has moved on to his third new venture, ThingCo, with a plan to take telematics to the next level. ThingCo is developing B2C, B2B and B2B2C solutions by making use of data from telematics, camera/sensor, ADAS and Intelligent Voice. This in-car technology can collect more than 1,000 pieces of information per second.
View presentation slides here
Watch the video of the event here (please see note for CPD verification purposes)
The 100 Year Life - Fear or Favour?
Presented by Marjorie Ngwenya, IFoA Immediate Past President and Executive Director, School of Insurance, Africa Leadership University
18th October 2018
In this talk, Marjorie explored the societal and economic implications of living longer lives as indicated
by demographic shifts.
View presentation slides here
Watch the video of the event here (please see note for CPD verification purposes)
Read a short article about this event (page 37)
Are Pensions and Care Funding Sustainable in the Face of an Ageing Population?
Presented by Sir Steve Webb, Royal London
6th June 2018
Sir Steve Webb, former pensions minister and now Director of Policy at Royal London reflected on
whether current strategies to deal with the costs of an ageing population, with particular reference
to pension and care costs, are adequate.
He also outlined the latest government thinking and potential future reforms to both pensions and care funding which could help to secure a better balance between the generations.
Watch the video of the event here (please see note for CPD verification purposes)
Read a short article about this event (page 36)
How to Make Finance Great Again
Presented by Nick Silver, Callund Consulting
15th March 2018
The current financial system was developed to serve capitalism 1.0, a world of mass employment based on producing physical goods. This world is ceasing to exist!
This talk looked at trends that are causing this change, and how the financial system needs to adapt to serve the economy of the future.
View presentation slides here
Read a short article about this event (page 37)